The instant that I learned that I was pregnant, I wanted to know if you were a girl or a boy. Pink or blue, pink or blue? Aaack! There are some women that are strong enough to wait until their child is born to learn, but Mommy is NOT one of those girls. There are also some women that claim to "just know" their child's gender. Mommy is NOT one of those girls either. We had to wait to learn that you were a girl. Here is that story:
Well, before I get to the story, let me tell you about your Uncle Jason. Uncle Jason is Mommy's brother. He is a super smart guy with a great sense of humor. When Daddy and I were trying to get pregnant, Uncle Jason would tease and say that we would make him an Aunt or Uncle one day. The joke caught on among the rest of the family too. It was always so funny to me. In fact, it is still funny to me.
The night that I got 3 positive home pregnancy tests, I tried calling him. He didn't answer so I left him a message to call me back, no matter the time. He didn't return my call. I just figured he was out being a social or doing something too awesome to talk to his lame sister. I vowed to call him in the morning on my way to work, no matter the time. He needed to know that you were coming, NO MATTER THE TIME!
Turns out that he was brushing his teeth when I called. (Us Chandler off-spring have this thing about teeth. We rarely get cavities, never needed braces, and judge others by the quality of their teeth. Teeth are important DANG IT!) I told him that I was pregnant. After a series of "No Way!" and "Are you serious?" and "That's awesome!" I told him that your Daddy and I were going to make him an Uncle or Aunt in the spring. Ha!
Anywho, back to the real story. . .
At the 15 week mark, I was scheduled to go back to the doctor for some routine blood work. They were testing to be sure that you were healthy and the risk of any birth defects. Pretty normal stuff. As Dr. Byrd and I were leaving the examination room, Amy approached us. Amy is the Ultrasound Tech and Mommy's new BFF. She walked up to Dr. Byrd and begged him to let her try. He handed her my file folder and wished us luck. Your Mother, the clueless parent, had no idea what they were talking about.
Amy grabbed my hand and took me into the ultrasound room. She said, "Let's see if we can find the gender!" OH HOLY CRAP! Daddy had dropped me off at the doctor's office and went to Best Buy to kill time. (Best Buy is Mecca for men. For women, a good shoe store is our Mecca. One day you'll understand.) Daddy would kill Mommy if he were to miss this ultrasound! I quickly texted him to get the the office pronto. To buy time for him, I stalled Amy. "Oh Amy! I thought you couldn't learn the gender until 20 weeks" and "Can I go to the bathroom" (see previous post about PEEING) and "Justin is almost here. . . I swear!" were my tactics. It worked.
With Daddy finally there, we began spying on you. That is what I think about ultrasounds - they are tools for parents to spy on their unborn children. I love spying on you! (Perhaps you should hide your Diary in a REALLY safe spot. Consider that a warning.) You were sitting criss-cross and breech. The most worstest, awfullest position for learning a baby's gender. You were NOT going to make this easy.
Amy then poked me with the ultrasound tool, had me lean back. . . waaaaaay back, and started talking to you. You finally stretched your legs and popped your thumb in your mouth. Precious! For only a second, your legs were nice and straight, and then they were criss-cross again. Amy, the miracle worker she is, managed to catch the all-important glance she needed. She said you were a girl, but that she was only about 90% sure. She wanted a better look, so she went back to poking and I went back to squirming around on the paper-covered chair.

She also started talking to you again. She said, "Come on little one! Open your legs!" I believe that it was in that moment that Daddy proved that he was going to be A Great Daddy - without missing a beat, he told Amy, "You are the ONLY person that will ever say that to MY daughter!"
Well, she didn't get the better look that she was hoping for, but was able to tell through other ways that you were a girl. The "other ways" included a bunch of medical stuff - blah, blah, blah. You'll have to talk to Daddy about that because I was tuned out. Mommy was officially in Baby Girl Heaven.
On the drive home, Daddy and I called our families. I called my Dad first. (By the way, he needs a Grandpa name. Best of luck to ya girl! You aren't even here yet and you already have work to do!) He needed to know that he was going to be a Grandmother, then called my Mom at work so that she could celebrate being a Grandmother among her co-workers and friends, and then called Jason so that he would know that he was going to be an Aunt.
And the joke lives on . . .
this is great Shannon!
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He needed to know that he was going to be a Grandmother??? typo?