You've been eating solid food for several months now and you've never had a home cooked meal. During my pregnancy I had this naive thought that I would make your baby food. It honestly didn't seem that difficult or strange to me. I mean, if that ditz Nicole Richie can do it, why can't I?
My plan was simple: I would take an hour or two each Sunday afternoon to cook up some veggies and fruits, puree them in a handy-dandy food mill, and store them in the fridge to use throughout the week. Viola!
It has never happened. Sheesh.
You really don't seem to mind. Apparently Gerber makes a mean meal. You are particularly fond of the peaches and sweet potatoes. Peas, on the other hand, disgust you. Daddy likes to laugh at your facial expressions while eating them. As torturous as it is, I still feed you peas. I've learned to feed you a couple bites of peas, then a bite of fruit as a reward. You still don't love peas. You just tolerate them until you get a bite of something sweet and yummy.
I honestly don't know what I was thinking with the whole homemade baby food
thing. It sounded like a great idea at the time. After a long day of Working Motherhood (more on that in a later post) I don't even want to cook dinner for myself and Daddy. You probably eat better than us!
But there will come a time when Gerber will no longer be your chef and I'll have to step up to the plate, er . . . stove. I'll cook your meals and pack your lunches - probably with a little help from Little Debbie.